Rankings for Applicants

The 2024 APPCN Match

Things to Know

  1. The list of preferred programs you submit to the Match is called a Rank Order List.
  2. You must log into the NMS Match System to enter and certify your Rank Order List by the Rank Order List deadline, February 14, 2024.
  3. If you do not intend to submit a Rank Order List for the Match, you must withdraw from the Match using the NMS Match System.

Key Dates

NMS Match System Opens For RankingsJanuary 24, 2024
Rank Order List DeadlineFebruary 14, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time


The Matching Algorithm is designed to give you the best result available to you. It cannot be gamed or manipulated.

The only strategy is to rank your choices in order of your true preferences, without considering how you expect to be ranked by any program.

Some programs share information about the status of your candidacy (in accordance with APPCN Match Policy #4d) but others do not. The fact that a program does or does not tell you about the status of your candidacy should not influence or affect your rankings in any way.

Rank all programs at residency sites to which you applied that would be acceptable. Submitting a longer list of programs may reduce your chances of being left unmatched.

Do not rank any program that you consider unacceptable (i.e., you would not want to be matched to the program under any circumstances). You can only be matched to programs that appear on your Rank Order List.

Certify Your Rank Order List

You must certify your Rank Order List in the NMS Match System before the deadline in order for it to be used in the Match. Certifying your Rank Order List lets NMS know it is ready to be used in the Match.

You can make changes to your list even after it is certified, until the Rank Order List deadline. If you make changes after your list is certified, the list will become uncertified and you will have to certify your list again before the deadline for it to be used in the Match.

Participating as a Couple

Two applicants who wish to coordinate their matches (e.g., obtain positions in the same geographic location) may participate in the Match as a Couple.

Guide to the NMS Match System

Consult the Account User Guide and Rankings User Guide for detailed instructions for using the NMS Match System.

To jump to the instructions for a specific task, refer to the links below:

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