
The 2025 ASHP Match

What Are Reversions

A reversion is a mechanism to move one or more positions that remain unfilled in the matching process from one Rank Order List (the "Donor") to a second Rank Order List (the "Receiver"), so that an attempt can be made to fill the available position(s) with applicants on the second list.

For example, the Program Directors at an organization offering both a PGY1 program and PGY2 program could specify that any position that remains unfilled on the Rank Order List for the PGY2 program should revert to the Rank Order List for the PGY1 program, and an attempt should be made to fill the position(s) with applicants on the Rank Order List for the PGY1 program. In this case, the Rank Order List for the PGY2 program is the Donor (because it is donating unfilled positions) and the Rank Order List for the PGY1 program is the Receiver (because it is receiving unfilled positions from the Donor).

  • The Difference Between Reversions and Changing the Number of Available Positions

    Reverting an unfilled position within the matching process is different from deciding before the Rank Order List deadline to move a position from one program to another.

    Moving a Position Before the Deadline

    An organization offering multiple programs in the Match may decide, in advance of the Rank Order List deadline, to move a position from one program (e.g., because it has an insufficient number of acceptable applicants) to another program (which has many acceptable applicants). In this case, no attempt will be made to fill that position in the original program within the matching process. Program Directors can adjust the number of positions to be offered by each program in the Match at any time prior to the Rank Order List deadline using the online NMS Match System.

    Reverting a Position Within the Matching Process

    Reverting a position applies when an attempt is made to fill the position in the original program within the matching process but the position remains unfilled. The option to revert an unfilled position within the matching process should be used only when the final decision to move the position from one program to another cannot be made in advance of the Rank Order List deadline, but depends on whether or not the position is filled in the original (Donor) program within the matching process.

Examples of Reversions

Any type of program can revert unfilled positions to any other type of program. Some situations where reversions might be used are described below.

  • Reversions Between Multiple Residencies

    An organization with multiple residencies may wish to revert unfilled positions from the Rank Order List of one residency to the Rank Order List of another, in order to maximize the overall number of positions filled in the organization. For example, if a position remains unfilled on the Rank Order List for a PGY2 program, that position can be moved within the matching process to the Rank Order List for another type of program (either another PGY2 program or a PGY1 program) where the position may be able to be filled.

  • Reversions Between Tracks of a Single Residency

    A single residency that offers multiple programs or tracks may revert unfilled positions between the tracks. For example, a residency offering programs at two different locations or sites can specify that any positions that remain unfilled on the Rank Order List for the first site should revert to the Rank Order List of the second site so an attempt can be made to fill the moved positions with applicants on the Rank Order List for the second site.

  • Obtaining a Particular Distribution or Mix of Applicants Based on Specific Characteristics

    Reverting unfilled positions from one Rank Order List to another can also be used by a single program that is submitting Multiple Lists in order to match with a particular "mix" or distribution of applicants based on specific applicant characteristics.

Reversions User Guide

Consult the Reversions User Guide for instructions for submitting reversions using the NMS Match System.

Reversions User Guide

Reversions can only be submitted in Phase I of the Match. Reversions will not be available in Phase II.

If you have questions about reversions, please contact NMS.

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